Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I became an unsuspecting user of Flikr when they took over all of the old Yahoo Photo accounts a few years back. Nothing good in life is free, so now I get the upgrade message every time I log in to look at all of my prehistoric digital photos. I went back in as part of this exercise and saw a hodgepodge of swim meets, kid's triathalons, and even Michael Phelps pictures when he was here in Sacramento right after the olympics in 2004. My favorite is the one above of my youngest working her magic on a 5-year-old boy at a swim meet. She's 13 now, and I would definitely intervene if I found her behind a tent today.

The hardest part of all these new technologies is:

a)Remembering where I actually have photos/emails/blogs stored and
b)trying to remember the magical combination of keystrokes that serve as my password.


  1. That's a pretty funny picture. She does seem to have him under her spell.

  2. I'm in the same position: my cousins each use a different platform for sharing photos: Kodak, Facebook, MySpace ... and most require logins. Flickr doesn't, but you have the option of keeping some photos private.
